Tuesday, June 30, 2015

The engine installation

First this young lady claimed all the credit, thanks Tory for doing the videos
Its been a year but the engine finally got done. and we moved it to the car today and installed it.
This is a big milestone for me and over 5 years to this point.

We slid it on to the trailer and move it with the 4 wheeler

slide it off and move in the engine hoist

Raise it up this was a bit scary because the car is on jacks and the engine had to go high.
we moved the hoist with the 4 wheeler because it was just too heavy to move on the crummy floor we have to work with.
the only way to push

the exhaust bracket had to come back off as well as the cross member because the engine wont go in, its just too tight. Make sure you take out the steering rod also or it wont go in.
You cant beat this video that my camera person took its so cool,, thanks Tory